Property prices in Spain are still 34,8% below their maximum level.
- -34,8% since maximum
- +13,6% since minimum
Property prices recover slightly faster in Spanish biggest cities
Below you can see a graph by TINSA which shows real estate prices in Spain:
- Orange: Mediterranean coast
- Green: Baleares and Canarias
- Dark blue: big cities
What we can see is that property prices had increased the highest on the Mediterranean coast until 2008, and still have much room to recover. In comparison, big cities have recovered better. Yet they’re still very much below their peak property prices of 2008.

Spanish real estate prices evolution from 2008 to 2019
Even more interesting, here below you will see the evolution of Spanish property prices from 2008 to 2019. Very clearly, the inflexion point for Spanish real estate prices was in 2015, year during which property prices stopped decreasing, and started increasing again.
Definitely a good timing still to buy in Spain! Foreigners bought 65,400 properties in Spain last year and most likely, the figure will be even higher this year.