Boligsiden is Denmark’s number one website for real estate. Find the latest homes for sale, property news & real estate market data.
Homepage of Boligsiden
Boligsiden allows users to search for villas, condominiums, apartments, holiday homes or country houses. However if you’re a foreigner, you’ll have a hard time searching for property, because the website is in Danish only (as of November 2020). So if you type “Copenhagen” in the search bar, it won’t work. You’ll have to search for “København” instead, if you want to find properties for sale in Copenhagen.

Number 1 website in Denmark for Real Estate
Traffic Estimate
Boligsiden is the number one website for real estate in Denmark. Indeed, its closest competitor is which is not a property portal but the website of a leading real estate agency. Therefore Boligsiden is a clear leader with close to 4.8 million visits per month (Similarweb). If we compare it to, its closest competitor which is not a real estate agency but indeed a pure property portal, the traffic is more than two times bigger, with 4.8 million compared to 2 million (graph below).

Finding properties for sale
Go to the homepage of the website and type “København” if you’re looking for flats (or houses) for sale in Copenhagen. More generally, if you don’t speak Danish, use GoogleTranslate and copy-paste the Danish translation into the search bar.
Once done, you’ll get to the search result pages, that you can see below. In this case, you see condominiums for sale from and, two real estate brokers in Denmark.

Annual revenues
In 2019, Boligsiden’s revenues amounted to USD 1 million. So this is quite small compared to revenues made by property portals in other countries such as France or the UK or Germany (100 million to 200 million euros for leads, see FBW’s article), which is normal because Denmark is a country of 5.8 million inhabitants. Still, if we rationalize the revenue per 5.8 million inhabitants, SeLoger (French leader) was making € 215 million in 2018 with a French population of 67 million, therefore € 18.6 million revenues per 5.8 million inhabitants. In other words, for the same population, SeLoger in France is extracting close to 20 times more revenues, with an ARPA (Average Revenue Per Advertiser) of € 765.
“In its 2019 annual report, the company reported a revenue increase of 7% to DKK 7.2 million ($1 million U.S.).”