Leading property portalsMexicoReal estate prices in Mexico

Top 9 real estate websites in Mexico

Mexico real estate websites and prices

Mexico’s house prices have grown steadily since 2015. So now might be a good time to buy in Mexico. But what real estate website should you visit?

  1. MercadoLibre (99 million visits per month)
  2. Segundamano (4.7 million visits per month)
  3. Vivanuncios (4.2 million visits per month)
  4. Inmuebles24.com (2.4 million visits per month)
  5. Lamudi (1.2 million visits per month)
  6. icasas.mx (580K visits per month)
  7. MetrosCubicos (460K visits per month)
  8. Casasyterrenos (150K visits per month)
  9. casas.trovit.com.mx

Note: this ranking is the result of online searches, coupled with traffic estimates (Similarweb).

Real Estate Prices in Mexico – is it a good time to buy real estate?

Both GlobalPropertyGuide and Moody’s Analytics show that real estate prices are growing in Mexico. It seems that the only official source of data is the SHF (Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal). Graphically, these figures result in a price increase since 2015, as shown below (graph from economy.com).

Mexico house prices are going up, (economy.com) is it a good time to buy real estate?
Mexico house prices are going up, (economy.com) is it a good time to buy real estate?

1 Million Foreigners live in Mexico

According to CNN, over 1 million foreigners live in Mexico. Notably, 75% of them were born in the United States. Other nationalities, such as the French, appear in the top 10 nationalities of foreigners living in Mexico.

Inmuebles24.com top real estate website in Mexico
Inmuebles24.com top real estate website in Mexico
Vivanuncios one of the best real estate websites in Mexico
Vivanuncios one of the best real estate websites in Mexico
MercadoLibre - look for properties for sale in Mexico
MercadoLibre – look for properties for sale in Mexico
Properties for sale in Mexico, on MetrosCubicos
Properties for sale in Mexico, on MetrosCubicos
icasas, a website to find properties to rent or buy in Mexico
icasas, a website to find properties to rent or buy in Mexico
trovit casas, to find your next home in Mexico