Real estate websites: improve your SEO

Whether you manage a real estate company, or you’re a real estate agent trying to start your own firm, maintaining a high performing website is a key to success. Indeed, why do you pay the leading property portals to market your properties? Simply because their SEO is better than yours.

How to improve your SEO?

5 quick real estate SEO tips

To improve your SEO, you need to think about a few SEO tips:

  • Target local keywords
  • Rethink your content strategy
  • Get social
  • Don’t forget backlinks, and inbound links
  • Site speed is essential

But you won’t get anywhere alone. Where to start?

Step 1: conduct a SEO Audit on your real estate website

Running a SEO Audit is the smartest place to start. In fact, an audit is a necessity if you want to optimize your real estate site. There is no better first step. It requires to pay attention to these areas:

  1. Site structure: XML sitemap, robots.txt, redirects.
  2. Page structure: Titles, meta descriptions, H1-H6 tags, ALT tags, URLs.
  3. Content: Keyword and link placement, structure, visual elements, duplicates, proper redirects and canonical tags.
  4. Links: Outbound and inbound, interlinking, broken links.
  5. Usability: Mobile-friendliness, site speed.

But of course, you’re not a SEO expert yourself. How to find a good SEO expert? Luckily, I work with a very talented SEO Expert. He helped me improve my website, and he can help you with yours. Click below to get a free quote. Or keep reading to know more about what you will get from this Audit.

What result will you get from a SEO Audit?

Performing a SEO Audit is useful for many reasons. The SEO expert will focus on analyzing your real estate website, on several fronts. Here is what is included in a Pack SEO Audit.

Pack SEO Audit for real estate sites

Technical Audit SEO

  • Crawl, elements analysis, statistical analysis Crawl, tech page analysis (such as urls, tags, image names) data analysis
  • Technical Recommendations and Optimisations

Delivery : Technical Recommendations for the website

Strategic and Content Audit

  • Keyword Analysis
  • Content Analysis
  • On-page Analysis

Delivery : Structure recommendations, keywords usage and content recommendations

Production and Integration

  • Meta Data for core strategic pages
  • Copywriting (several articles) for the website

Delivery : metas titles and descriptions, optimised pages for the website (product or core page SEO template)

The audit will allow to understand all the important factors required for your website to rank, the competitive environment, and the missed SEO opportunities to construct the right strategy to maximise your visibility and traffic on Google.

From this Audit and recommendations you’ll get :

  • A clear vision of the blocking factors for your website and the corrections to apply
  • Concrete elements to integrate or directly integrated in your website and rectify the major issues
  • A strategic keywords list for your website with the most searched keywords by users
  • A strategy and a To Do list of next steps in order to reach higher positions in Google
image de pied de page

After the Audit we will be at your disposal to accompany you further in your SEO journey from the implementation of those recommandations, to monthly optimisations and more.